Security Solutions for Residential and Commercial Properties

Keeping Your Tenants Safe and Your Buildings Secure

Detect and Deter Trespassers Quicker Than Ever Before

With Prosegur’s remote monitoring service, intrusions and potential security incidents at your site can be detected and resolved quicker than you ever thought possible.

property security

Mobile Patrol: Better Protection of Your Properties at a Fraction of the Usual Cost

Prosegur Mobile Patrol works with technology to help prevent theft, vandalism, loitering and safety incidents at properties of any size. Our officers can perform external and internal inspections, alarm response, escort service, integrity checks and more. We provide daily reports, immediate incident notification and you can track our patrols via an online portal.

Connected Systems Just Work Better

Disjointed security systems make managing properties harder. Prosegur can help by designing new or upgrading current video surveillance and access control systems so that they are connected, work seamlessly and can be managed remotely. Easily grant access to specific buildings, floors or areas to those who need to be there, keep the bad guys out, and have access to reports and security footage at your fingertips whenever you need them.

property security
property security

Manned Guarding at the Door, Gate or Anywhere Else

Does your building or complex need 24/7 manned security? Whether it's a doorman, kiosk attendant or a security guard that patrols your entire property, we can create a custom security program that combines "eyes in the sky and boots on the ground" - a unique combination of surveillance technology and our highly trained, highly experienced security officers.

Additional Security Services for Residential and Commercial Properties

Let's Connect!

To discuss your security needs or to learn more about how Prosegur can enhance your security strategy please complete the form below. A member of our team will reach out to you shortly.