Helping Improve Security at a Power Plant

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A client managing a coal-burning power plant and a secondary hydroelectric operation in the Mid-Atlantic region faced a long list of potential risks that required the site to be secured 24/7. The client was spending over $700,000 each year on its security, but wanted a more efficient and cost-effective program.


Located near a residential area, the powerplant was surrounded by public parks, jogging paths and other recreational areas. This led to concerns that people, particularly children, could get on the property and create significant liability issues. The facility also had several large smokestacks that, despite no longer being in use, needed to comply with strict “lighting check” requirements set by the FAA, which had to be performed by security officers. Although the facility was equipped with CCTV cameras and had a full-time security team, the costs were becoming unsustainable, prompting the company to seek out alternate solutions.

Solution Design

We sent a team of experts to study the facility and develop a custom program to address the client’s concerns. Their existing CCTV systems were not compatible with modern video analytic software, but the installation of a new system was cost-prohibitive. We used video converters to turn the analog signals from their existing CCTV cameras to digital, then installed a server capable of running advanced video analytics and connected it to the system. We deployed several additional cameras equipped with audio intervention (voicedown) technology at critical locations. By working with the client’s existing cameras, we were able to save the client a considerable amount of money compared to installing a new system.

The upgraded system would run live video analytics that could alert our remote monitoring center if a situation that required attention was detected. The remote monitoring agents could then verify the situation via a live feed, and issue warnings via loudspeakers to any trespassers. Security officers could be dispatched to intervene only when necessary, which provided a more efficient and affordable coverage of the entire facility.

Implementation and Results

After the new system went live, the client saw immediate success in both security and their bottom line. By using a hybrid alarm and a patrolbased model, they were able to quickly eliminate all trespassing and reduce potential liability issues. The shift to proactive video patrols allowed the client to comply with the FAA requirements to regularly check that smokestack lights were functional and to provide detailed documentation for reporting purposes. In addition to the operational success, the client was able to save over $600,000 per year, even when factoring in the capital investment made in system improvements.

Why Companies Trust Prosegur

We make the world safer by taking care of people and businesses while remaining at the forefront of innovation. Prosegur is a global security leader operating in 34 countries, with over 160,000 employees and 14 state-of-the-art iSOCs spread around the globe.

In the U.S., we offer a range of security services, including manned guarding, mobile guarding, systems integration, remote monitoring, global risk management and cybersecurity. We pride ourselves on helping organizations large and small solve their security challenges through technology, teamwork, innovation and relentless client focus.