A Class A office complex with multiple high rise office buildings and parking structures was suffering from inconsistent staffing and vacant security posts. Since this increased security risks and negatively impacted tenant relations, the management needed to solve the problem quickly.
The office complex is a highly visible and desirable property in its area. Yet, it faced a persistent problem of poor staffing: posts were often vacant, creating security gaps. The efforts to use temp workers created inconsistent customer service performance, increasing the number of complaints from tenants and visitors.
Vagrant activity spiked, as well as crime associated with the parking structures. Deterrence was ineffective, the problem made worse by the lack of focus and below-market wages. The management thought they could not afford Prosegur, but we persuaded them to let us conduct an analysis and propose a solution.
Assessment and Solution
We conducted a comprehensive evaluation of all security posts, including more than 50 schedules. We discovered that there were dark (unstaffed) posts that created security holes and that security agents were deployed inefficiently. We concluded that the property could actually operate with a slightly reduced number of service hours with no ill effect on security if the security plan was reworked.
We also demonstrated that the wage profiles were inappropriate for current market conditions, which exacerbated the problem of hiring and retaining professional security agents. We recommended a modest increase in wages that would be accepted within the budget limitations. This, combined with a slightly reduced number of hours and better utilized personnel, created an opportunity to increase pay for the staff, hire more appropriate security staff and improve retention while creating a stronger security program.
Within 30 days of the start of the program the client reported marked improvement in both security and tenant satisfaction. Criminal activity in parking structures was markedly reduced, as were instances of loitering and panhandling. Tenants offered positive feedback related to the quality of our personnel, and even liked our uniforms.
The management expressed appreciation for our creativity in developing this solution and for our attention to staffing their property with personnel appropriate for their environment. Prosegur’s management continues to meet with the property’s management every month to monitor, assess and continue the program according to the new, higher quality standards.

Why Companies Trust Prosegur
We make the world safer by taking care of people and businesses while remaining at the forefront of innovation. Prosegur is a global security leader operating in 34 countries, with over 160,000 employees and 14 state-of-the-art iSOCs spread around the globe.
In the U.S., we offer a range of security services, including manned guarding, mobile guarding, systems integration, remote monitoring, global risk management and cybersecurity. We pride ourselves on helping organizations large and small solve their security challenges through technology, teamwork, innovation and relentless client focus.